Rock America Album
A First Release
Rock America by Rick Herron
Arriving in California around 2008, I set about putting together a small studio and recording my first album. It has been a long though I must say fun process with some glitches along the way. As we all have been told it is the journey that counts. How true that is. I was intent on finding other musicians but it was not as easy as it had been in Virginia where there wasn’t such a vibrant industry. So, most individuals there were eager to join a band. All one had to do was go to a music store and eventually they wold bump into a drummer or guitarists or find someone on the help needed board and make a call. Here in LA because the industry is so active more often than not it was more difficult to hook up. I ended up learning how to mix, somewhat, and how to play lead guitar, bass and keyboards and maybe I will one day learn how to play drums. I am a songwriter first and foremost it is why I studied English literature, so that I could write lyrics and become a songwriter. Does anyone become a songwriter? Or is it part of ones life experiences taking time and never completing.
My first effort were songs I wrote with my longtime friends from the block I grew up in. It will be released at a future date. The new album I recorded, and had mixed and mastered is now complete and available on streaming services. It is called Rock America, by Rick Herron, The title has been used before but it was the best title for this album in a country that is divided and needs serious healing not only from Covid 19 but also a from a highly contentious political system and environmental stresses around the globe.
I have worked with many individuals of different races, ethnicity and religious persuasion and have worked with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents so the thrust of this first release is to in my own way acknowledge that we are all one country with a shared and great history and we need to recognizes this.
Rock and Roll has been there to get us through traumatic times of our history as well as times of great accomplishments and as a beacon of light to the world and it is American as any form of music as Jazz, Blues, County and Bluegrass can be.
The album with 12 songs was released September 30, 2021 on Spotify and other streaming sites.